The Attacks Of 26/11 Movie Review

The Attacks of 26/11 is a powerful subject watered down by ineffective story-telling

Hindustan Times

This film is so lacking in genuine emotion and original perspective that despite the carnage, you're hardly moved

It had the potential to be both smart procedural, and spiffy action, but '26/11' sinks somewhere in the middle

Indian Express

The execution is not only perfunctory, the long drawn out sequences and slow motion edit is an attack to your senses

Times of India

Regurgitating mass sentiments about the tragedy, Ram Gopal Varma’s film on 26/11 is a cheap rouser

The film is less about 26/11 and more a biopic on Ajmal Qasab’s life after he got onto the boat that brought him here

Mumbai Mirror

Neither takes us into the lives of any of the ordinary people affected, nor asks any of the difficult questions that need asking about the role played by politicians, the police and the media


Unapologetic and gory retelling of the 26/11 attacks, this film is worth a watch


Doesn't do justice to the shocking brutality of the ill fated day but doesn't thorougly disappoint either. The film has its soul-stirring moments but they are very few.


With real facts, figures and even flaws, such is the subject that it shocks, pains and stuns you into silence even now

Times of India

A powerful retelling of a regrettable event in history
