Azaan Movie Review

Azaan (Hindi)

Release Date:
October 14, 2011

As science and technology breaks new grounds, the face of global terrorism gets ugly. One person who personifies this in his ambitions, intelligence and absolute amorality is Doctor.Doctor is an Ex-CIA agent and the father of modern biological warfare. He might as well have written the handbook on how convert operation ought to work!

He is of the belief that the new war is the proxy war and thus invented myriad ways to push a country to the point of destruction. Doctor's grand plan for India begins with the sensational bombings at the peace festival in Germany. The second step in India's destruction is his heinous plan to spread the dreaded Ebola virus amongst the general public. He is backed by a powerful nation, which is deeply interested in the absolute of India.

One of the most unlikely candidates is pitted against the unscrupulous Doctor. Aazaan Khan, a young upright army officer working for RAW (India's Research and Analysis Wing). With a mixed lineage of Afghan and India parents, as part of his duties, gets drawn in to the murky world of espionage only to find his younger brother a suspected terrorist. As Aazaan infiltrates deeper, he hasn't a clue of the price he might have to pay for it. What unfolds is a fast of one man's determination of saving his country against all odds of human defiance.

Afreen - a gorgeous sand artist-comes along Aazaan's way when he is vulnerable and broken. She grounds him with human emotions of love that helps him conquer the plot. Aazaan stands in the way of Doctor's plans to destroy India. All he has on his side is the love of a brother and the love for his country.

As science and technology breaks new grounds, the face of global terrorism gets ugly. One person who personifies this in... Show More

The screenplay is all over the place as the writers employ that old trick: if you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em

Mumbai Mirror

Aazaan is all money no show. Watch it only for the unexplored regions of the world, the brilliance of cinematography and stylish narration.


Don't go looking for something really deep and incisive in this popcorn thriller which has nothing to boast about except its exotic locales and its high decibel action cuts

Times of India

Azaan boasts of a novel theme and superb action scenes/stunts/chases is its biggest USP. But the film could've done with a taut script
