Shaitan (Hindi)

Release Date:
June 10, 2011

The story is about Amy – Amrita Mathur. She is a 17 year old and has all the teenage angst and rebel attitude that go with that age. Amy makes some new friends in Bombay- the ultra rich KC and gang. One night of living on the edge ends up with them brushing against the law. A cop blackmails them to cover up the case. In order to pay up Amy stages her own kidnap with help from KC and gang. A simple plan which goes completely haywire forms the rest of the story. Intertwined with this we have a story of a cop – Tavde; who is put on the case to track Amy and the others. The cop is forced to deal with a personal crisis while he is on the case. How he manages to resolve it and simultaneously crack the case carries the story forward.

The story is about Amy – Amrita Mathur. She is a 17 year old and has all the teenage angst and rebel attitude that go... Show More

Mixing drugs with violence in a movie or a novel is as easy and difficult as mixing business with pleasure. Easy because of the obvious associations and difficult because of the high risks involved in both the cases. ‘Shaitan’ is a figurative presentation of the psychology that plays evil and makes one a slave to the control of greed, drugs, power, and money thus making room for violence to establish its territory of anger and blood.